Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stories to Inspire - Susan Boyle's Amazing Gift

Have you ever felt that you could do something really well? Something that gives you joy? Something that you know deep down you are here to share with others? It's an awesome feeling!

It can also be frustrating if you don't have the right environment to share it to the full extent. And it can be very disheartening to be disregarded by the people you want to share it with.

Every day I get to talk to people who are awakening to that sense of what they do well and how they want to share it with the world. Often times, they have to overcome obstacles (doubters, challenging life experiences etc) that seem to stand in the way of what they are really here to share. It seems to be a very common thread - the need to persevere and develop an inner commitment to express a gift in spite of the challenges.

Amazing things can happen when we persevere through the challenges and hold fast to the dream of sharing our gifts with the world. In big public ways or small personal ways, we change the world by adding our magnificence.

Susan Boyle did just that. This unassuming woman, living in a small village somewhere in the UK, knocked the socks off the world when she shared her gift. Give yourself the gift of the next seven minutes on YouTube to listen to Susan Boyle's gift.

Get ready for the goosebumps...And make it an inspired day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Universal Laws Test Drive Tuesday April 21

How would you like to take Inspired Journey and the Universal Laws out for a test drive? Well, you can!

On Tuesday, April 21st at 7:00 p.m. CST Violetta Grzesko and I will be getting together for a discussion about Universal Laws and how they relate to our everyday experiences.

It will be a lot more fun and interesting if you join us, so give some thought to a question or idea you have about Universal Laws and the experiences that are showing up for you.

Here's the link to the conference line to join us.

Feel free to send in a question even if you can't join us live. We'll ask your question and send you the recording so you can still take part in Test Drive Tuesday.

Sounds good? Well, then please join us, no charge, gratis, just for the adventure of it.

Looking forward to our time together!

Friday, March 27, 2009

How Will You Celebrate Earth Hour?

World Wildlife Fund is inspired to raise awareness about climate change for the earth and its inhabitants. And they’ve found a powerful way to involve each and every one of us. It’s called Earth Hour. On Saturday, March 28th 8:30 local time, the world will be shutting off the lights, TV, computer and any other non-essential gadgets and appliances that we usually have plugged into the grid. For one hour we can all power down electronically and power up consciously.

“What’s the big deal”, you might ask. The World Wildlife Fund acknowledges that Earth Hour is not going to save the planet. It’s a symbolic event to raise awareness. Participating in last year’s Earth Hour had a lot of impact for me. As I went around my home with kids in tow, turning off and unplugging to prepare for an hour without power, our family became more aware of how far our reliance on electricity really goes. We, like so many others, have the privilege of being able to access electricity at the flick of a switch, and that can lead to taking something so powerful for granted. So, the big deal about Earth Hour is really about how making a small change can have a big impact on our awareness.

One hour. That’s pretty small. The amazing thing is that one hour multiplied by 10 million (that’s how many people in Canada alone participated last year) easily turns into something pretty big.

So what is one to do with an hour in the dark?

Good question! Our candle lit hour was spent listening to the observations of a seven year old. There was no need to plan a thing. Her comments about electricity and questions about the sounds of the house (now audible without the background noise of the TV) made for a memorable and enlightening experience. Of course there are lots of ways to spend the hour like:

  • taking a soak and splash during a candle lit bath
  • organizing a jam session – singing acapella or with acoustic accompaniment
  • hosting a pot luck party in the dark with foods that require no heating
  • enjoying the silence and stillness and just being – what a nice change of pace

As the hour drew to a close, I remember feeling a bit sad. The hour in the dark brought us together around that single candle. We re-focused, we relaxed, we laughed. Did it take a world wide initiative to remind us that powering down could be such a good idea? Guess so. One simple little act with an immeasurable impact.

Enjoy your Earth Hour in whatever way you choose to celebrate it.